The Effect of Header Geometry on Temperature Distribution in Cold Rolling

Document Type : Research note


Department of Mechanical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran


The objectives in the cold rolling process include improved sheet surface quality, enhanced steel mechanical strength, and better solidification operations. Given the increasing demand for higher steel surface quality, more rapid production, and thinner steel plates, more attention has been directed toward the parameter of temperature in cold rolling as a means of achieving the above objectives. Due to the friction between work rolls and steel sheet caused during the cold rolling process and because of temperature changes of the work piece during plastic work, a non-uniform temperature distribution results along the work roll axial direction which ultimately leads to improper and undesirable expansion of the work roll along its axis. This, in turn, causes an uneven work roll slide on sheet surface; hence, the uneven and wavy steel surface. In this study, we used headers with a variety of nozzles for cooling the work rolls in order to achieve uniform temperature distribution and thermal expansion of the work roll. In this method, the cooling system is applied to the work roll in such a way that the work roll gains the desired efficiency in terms of both optimized energy consumption and work roll thermal expansion


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