Influence of geometric shape of sponge iron used in induction furnace on metallurgical properties of produced steel

Document Type : Research note


1 semnan university

2 Faculty of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

3 School of materials and metallurgy Engineering, university of Tehran, Tehran, Iran



The geometric shape of the sponge iron (direct reduced iron, DRI) particles used in the induction furnace is very influential on the steel making process. In this paper, the effect of geometric deformation of DRI from spherical (regular shape) to other shapes on the final product quality and performance of induction furnaces is investigated. The results showed that the typical spherical shape of DRI melts over time and consumes more energy due to the air gap between its particles. More extended periods cause more oxidation and, consequently, more iron loss and lower iron production rates. In the crushed DRI, due to rapid melting, oxidation is much less and with a high iron grade (94.9%) in steel, more molten weight, and a higher iron production rate (1.94 g/s) than other samples. Other geometric shapes, such as cylinders and cones, cannot be used industrially due to their high manufacturing costs, despite having mediocre results.


Main Subjects

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